- 酒店锁的优势
1、 绿色、环保、健康
2、 安全保障
3、 遗失注销功能:当酒店人员不慎将有效卡丢失时,可通过门锁管理软件对于遗失的卡进行注销,加强酒店的安全管理,
4、 新卡覆盖旧卡功能:当客人提前走,但又未回酒店交回门卡时,通过门锁管理软件发行相对应房号的一张客人卡,持新卡开启门锁后,原卡将自动不能开启门锁
- 酒店锁的功能
1、 应急卡:应急卡一般由保安部门持有们可以开启本系统的所有门锁,开启后门锁处于长开状态(用普通开门卡开门后将取消长开状态),应急卡不受时间、时段与反锁的限制。
2、 总控卡:总控卡一般由总经理持有,可以开启本系统的所有门锁,总控卡不受时间、时段的限制,但不能开启被反锁的门锁。
3、 楼控卡:用于在指定的时间与时段内开启某栋大楼的所有没有反锁的门锁,一般由经理配备。
4、 楼层卡:用于在指定的时间与时段内开启某个楼层的所有没有反锁的门锁,一般由服务员配备。
5、 组控卡:用于在指定时间与时段内开启某组或两组的所有没有反锁的门锁,为清洁人员在设定的清洁时间段内可以打开酒店相应楼层的客房
6、 宾客卡:为客人在有效的住房时间内可以打开自己的客房
7、 复制卡:每间客房都可预先发出一套复制卡,在酒店停电或电脑出现故障时也不会影响到客人的入住 -
The advantages of zinc alloy smart lock
- 1, green, environmental, health
- Leading the international trend of zinc alloy material, green, environmental, health, avoiding the plating of products on the environment pollution in the past, in line with the concept of Green Hotel just rot, strong, greatly improving the life of the lock
- 2, security
- Emergency opening function: has two kinds of electronic and mechanical keys for emergency opening mode: ensures in any case of emergency, no need to destroy locks to open the door.
- 3, lost log off function: when the hotel staff inadvertently when a valid card is lost, you can lock management software for the loss of the card be cancelled, strengthening the safety management of hotel,
- 4 covers the old card, the new card features: when guests left early, but do not go back to the hotel door card, through door corresponds to a management software offering room for a guest card, with a new card after you open the door, the original card automatically can't open the door
Zinc alloy smart locking feature
Multiple levels of key features, well-defined: according to the hotel management needs can set their own emergency card, master card, floor control cards, group control cards, guest cards1, emergency card: emergency card held by the security services can open all locks in the system, after opening the door is in a long open State (with an ordinary door stuck door cancels long drive mode), emergency card is not restricted by time, time restrictions and locked.2, master cards: master card held by the General Manager, you can open all locks in the system, master card are not affected by time, time limit, but cannot open the locked door.3, floor control cards used during a specified time period and all no locked door from opening a building, typically run by a Manager is equipped with.Card 4, floor: to open within the specified time period all no locked door on a floor of, generally by the staff is equipped with.5, group control card: use to specify the time period to open a group or two groups of all the lock without lock, cleaning staff cleaning can open within a time period set by the hotel floor rooms6, guest card: effective housing for the guest time to open their room7, copy cards: an advance copy card in each room in the hotel when a power outage or computer failure would not affect the guest rooms at the -
Parameter index
Power supply
DC4.8V-6.5V,4 1.5V LR6 alkaline batteries
Quiescent current
<20 UA
Dynamic current
< 180 Ma |
Storage temperature range
-20~+85℃ |
Storage humidity
10~98% RH |
Working temperature
0~+70℃ |
Operating humidity
15~95% RH |